Novatrust is this week part of the AI for Health Innovation Mission in Japan! Japan and The Netherlands have a unique joint history which started in the year 1600 when the Dutch ship called ‘Liefde’ (love or AI in Japanese) arrived in Japan. After 425 years this...
Novatrust attended the Hannover Messe 2024, the largest industrial trade fair in the world with over 130.000 attendees. This year’s theme is “Together for a smart and sustainable future”. During this edition, 4000 companies will show how climate neutrality can be...
On February 6 and 7th, the Data Sharing Festival takes place. The main topic is ‘Next level data spaces’ and the festival celebrates the intersection of privacy, cybersecurity, and sovereignty in the data world. It will recognise achievements, tackle challenges, and...
Mike de Roode was appointed the honary title of Ambassador of the Internatinoal Data Spaces Association for his contributions to the data spaces community over the past years. The ceremony took place at the Data Sharing Festival 2024 at which also Peter Verkoulen from...
The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) awarded TNO with the IDSA Certification Award for the TNO Security Gateway (TSG). This software is a connector that companies can use to participate in international data spaces, decentral platforms that allow for...