Mike de Roode was appointed the honary title of Ambassador of the Internatinoal Data Spaces Association for his contributions to the data spaces community over the past years.

The ceremony took place at the Data Sharing Festival 2024 at which also Peter Verkoulen from the Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud and Herman Pals & Matthijs Punter of TNO were awarded the ambassadorship. 

IDSA Ambassador Program

The IDSA Ambassador program is a gathering point for data space enthusiasts and experts. We are making strides in developing the IDS standard, but there is still work to do. Each of our ambassadors will help us promote the understanding of data spaces, demonstrate their potential, and inspire new participants in a collaborative way, reshaping the data economy for the better. More information about the IDSA Ambassador program, including all ambassadors, can be found at: IDSA Ambassadors – International Data Spaces.

Key responsibilities of IDSA Ambassadors 

  • Passionately advocate for IDSA’s objectives by highlighting joint efforts, showcasing latest use cases, publications, and events both on and off the stage.
  • Participate in the semi-annual ambassador meeting to ensure strategic alignment and maintain consistent communication with the IDSA head office.
  • Engage with networks to raise awareness about IDS.
  • Contribute to recruitment efforts by enhancing understanding of the benefits associated with joining and embracing IDSA, and actively support the expansion of the network to encompass potential new partners, domains, and markets.

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