Why data spaces?

Data spaces offer a solution to the limitations of centralized data storage. They provide scalability, allowing your data ecosystem to grow without constraints. Decentralized data spaces prevent vendor lock-in and ensure data sovereignty, giving you full control over your assets. This approach fosters resilient supply chains by enabling secure data sharing. Discover how data spaces can strengthen digital connections and transform your business.

Evolution of digital collaboration


EDI connections are traditional custom-made connections between two organizations. They are expensive, not scalable, and therefore not reachable for many (SME) companies.


Platforms are much more scalable! Just connect once to a platform and communicate with all its users! However, the main dangers are the strong vendor lock-in and dependency these platforms bring.

Data Spaces

Data spaces use the advantages of platforms and mitigate their disadvantages! Data Spaces are distributed networks of organizations who can collaborate in a data sovereign manner without a man-in-the-middle.

Overall efficiency improvement of data spaces in manufacturing.

"Collaborate, Innovate, Thrive. Build better data spaces together"

We are your guide 

Stay ahead of competition by building strong collaborations with your partners

Change is not just about technology. novatrust understand this and offers a broad portfolio of human-centric services. 

Ecosystem Forming

Identity the right use-case of a data space. Explore the best suitable new business cases. Visualize benefits fordecision makers.

Data Space Design 

Create the architecture of the data space which best suits the use-case and takes into account European data space standards.

Implementation coordination

The realization of the data space: making the technology work using our state-of-the-art technology partners.

Data Space Operation

Support the operation of data spaces with community management and ecosystem building.

Continous improvement

Continous improvement by supporting new use-cases, scaling the data space, and federate with other data spaces.

Training & Education

Providing training by the world’s leading experts! Ranging from short courses, to multi-day masterclasses, to even expert courses.


Meet our experienced and passionate team

Our team is leading the European Data Spaces developments already for over five years. We have a broad set of skills, ranging from technology & semantics expertise to change management & governance knowledge.   

Lets build data spaces together! Mike pioneered by creating the first operational data space in already in 2019. He is awarded Ambassador of the International Data Spaces Association.

Mike de Roode
Founding Partner novatrust

Unlocking success in digital transformations with cutting edge technologies. Timon builds long lasting partnerships already for over 20 years and has a strong economics and change management background. 

Timon Brussaard
Founding Partner novatrust


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